Tag Archives: HCI

Podcast Episode8: What is this HCI that everyone is talking about?

By | 20. January 2021

In Episode 8, Data_Stefan and Der_Schmitz talk about Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI). What are the advantages? What do I need this for? DISCLAIMER: This post is our personal observations. We do not speak on behalf of our respective employers. Subject to misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Podcast Episode8: Was ist dieses HCI von dem alle sprechen?

By | 20. January 2021

In Episode 8 sprechen Data_Stefan und Der_Schmitz über Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI). Was sind die Vorteile? Wofür brauch ich das? TRANSCRIPT: Andre: Herzlich willkommen zum Data_Stefan und Der_Schmitz Podcast. Unser Thema heute HCI. Viel Spaß! Stefan: Servus Andre! Andre: Hallo Stefan und natürlich herzlich willkommen, liebe Zuhörer und vor allem als allererstes frohes Neues! Alles… Read More »

How to add a new Storage Node to a NetApp HCI

By | 24. April 2019

Today, I want to briefly show you how quickly you can add a new Storage Node to a NetApp HCI or Solidfire Cluster. My previous cluster currently has four medium storage nodes and will not provide enough capacity in a few months if further linear growth continues. So I’ll add another medium of storage node… Read More »

Presentation: NetApp hyper converged infrastructure (HCI)

By | 5. June 2017

As announced in my last post, NetApp has published today just his hyper converged infrastructure HCI. And so the box looks. On four rack units, we find both compute and storage units. The four rack units are derived based of the Solidfire, which is therefore in the minimal configuration with four nodes. The configurations for… Read More »