How to create a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance in AWS

By | 10. December 2018

Hi Together,

this time not a long text but my first YouTube video. All credentials shown in the video are, of course, removed and the instances deleted 😉


Der Schmitz

DISCLAIMER: This post represents my personal observations and is not officially authorized by NetApp or others. misinterpretations or misunderstandings reserved.

2 thoughts on “How to create a NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance in AWS

  1. Hans Duinhoven

    Nice informative video! This also show, that it is not always a 1,2,3 action, to set something up in the Cloud.
    By the way, is it possible to have an Azure variant video as well? Or is it very similar.

    1. DerSchmitz Post author

      Hi Hans, I am glad that you like it. Azure video will follow in a few month. I have some struggle with my company MSDN Account. I have not enough permissions for creating new credensials for webservices like CloudManager.


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